Common Pressure Problems with Your Hot Water Tank and Their Solutions

A hot water tank will supply your home and with proper functioning and maintenance, it will last for years. However, in the course of their service life, a hot water tank can pick up some problems that may interfere with its functionality. One of the major issues is water pressure. Issues with water pressure can be inconveniencing, especially when you turn on your hot shower and there's not enough water coming out. For such reasons, it's best to troubleshoot the problem as soon as possible in order to fix it. Therefore, here are some pressure problems you may experience with your hot water tank and how to solve them.


Leaks are among the major causes of pressure problems with your hot water tank. Leaks can be on the tank or in your plumbing system. Therefore, start by checking your tank for any leaks. Look for rust stains (for steel tanks) at the bottom of your tank and any other visible signs of leaks for poly and concrete tanks. For the rust stains, you will have to replace the tank, but for the poly and concrete tanks, the leaks can be fixed.

A leaking valve at the overflow pipe can also cause pressure problems. Put at bucket under the pipe and open the valve. Make sure any sediments are cleared and the put the valve back in position. If it will still be leaking, then you will need to have the valve replaced. 

Little Pressure or No Pressure At All

If there's some pressure, but it's not much enough, a variety of things might be the cause. First, make sure all electrical connections are working, and if they are, the problem could be faulty heating elements. Therefore, replacing your heating elements should solve the problem. However, if the heating element is fine, your thermostat could be the problem so have it checked.

If your tank is powered by gas, inspect the supply and controls to ensure they are working. Also, make sure the flame is bright blue with a yellow tip. Cross connections of the dip tube may also be the reason for your pressure issue. Therefore, remove it and check for these cross connections.

Pressure Problem Accompanied By Unusual Sounds

If your pressure problem is accompanied by unusual sounds such as rumbling sounds, chances are that you have a build-up of sediments in your tank, which are affecting the flow and pressure of your water. Therefore, the sediments can be removed, dissolved, or for a long-term solution, install water softeners.
